What are LGBTQA Issues ?

Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transvestite, Transgender, Questioning, Asexual related issues and challenges.

When the majority of people are hetrosexual, a person with a minority sexuality can feel excluded and/or rejected by society, even though in most civilsed countries there are anti-discrimination laws in place.

That feeling of minority exclusion is usually based on fact, not mere perception. LGBTQA people are many times (up to 10 times) more likely to experience bullying and discrimination at the hands of others. However, for some, it is the fear of being socially isolated, based on their sexuality, that leads to problems.

People of minority sexualities have always been around, and always will be, as will the majority.

Executives and Professionals

Many executives and professionals experience career discrimination in some professions, regardless of how much value they add. In other professions there are so  many LGBTQA people that discrimination is not a factor.

Some figures on sexuality demographics

Please note, this area of research into human behaviour is fraught with problems. As such, all figures are estimates based on various research sources.

Asexual: 1 to 2% of people have no sexual relationships, but form emotional bonds as much as everyone else.

Transgender: 2 to 4 % of people have some degree of feeling that they ought to have the opposite gender.

Transvestite: 0.?%, an unknown (very small) percentage of people enjoy dressing in the clothes of the opposite gender buy have no desire for gender re-assignment, and are hetro-sexual. Some of this category are LGBTQA people, and many make successful livings entertaining others as drag-queens.

Lesbian: 2 to 3% of females self-identify as preferring only to have sex with the same gender.

Gay: 3 to 7% of males self-identify as preferring only to have sex with the same gender.

Bisexual: 35% (ish) of males and females report having had or continuing to have sex with the same gender.

Hetrosexual: 65%+ of the population report that they are and have been exclusively heterosexual, preferring to have sex with only the opposite gender.

Cultural Differences

There are massive cultural differences in reporting of sexual behaviour. For instance, in liberal cities in Brazil the reporting levels of minority sexuality are much higher than in most Arab countries, where the figures are almost zero. In such countries, taking one category, males who have sex with other males, MSM, almost no-one identifies as “gay,” even though in highly anonomised conditions the same people are happy to declare that they have sex with men to satisfy their sexual needs.

The LGBTQA Challenge

The key challenge for anyone in a sexuality minority is how to live successfully in and with the majority, who are identical in all other ways apart from that of sexuality.

Coming to terms with, and living successfully as a person of minority sexuality is challenging, for people of any age. Some people know of their minority sexuality at a very young age, others have a change of sexuality late in life, or, later become willing to express their sexuality. That can add the complication of telling the younger generation that their mother or father is now living a different bedroom lifestyle.

For those who have been harmed by the lack of understanding or outright hostility by some of members of the majority, therapy can be useful to regain strength, establish resilience and move on.

LGBTQA people face the same challenges as the majority population in most other areas of life.


There is no need for treatment. LGBTQA is an entirely normal, and universal part of the range of human behaviour and experience. There may be a need for help in dealing with the range of issues experienced that any minority experiences living among a majority that lives a different bedroom lifestyle.

To make an appointment for therapy that has an LGBTQA element please call: Telephone Number

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