Do Happy Executives Exist?
Everything you have ever done in your life was an attempt to make yourself happy. EVERYTHING! Past, present and future!
That thing you want to buy, you desire it because you hope it will make you happy. That achievement you are striving for is another attempt to be happy. That ideal friendship or relationship that you are looking for, you want for the happiness you hope it will bring.
Most attempts to reach happiness are short-lived. You know from experience that most attempts to find lasting happiness just don’t work, long-term.
Many people spend their lives chasing their happiness tails. They might get a brief sense of that elusive happiness prize when they watch a film, or buy a desired item, or go on an exotic holiday or some such. But they walk through life with that ongoing and gnawing feeling: the one that constantly reminds them that they are not happy. They’ve tried nearly everything: denying things, buying things, trying things, frying things.
Many people die, having spent their entire lives searching for, and never having found lasting happiness.
Some people give up the search for lasting happiness, resigning themselves to unhappy lives. You can see it on the faces in any crowd. You can see it during your commute to work.
How much do YOU want to be happy?
That depends on which category you fall in to. When it comes to the psychology of happiness there seem to be four categories of people:
1. People who have given up and think happiness is something for others.
2. People who wish for happiness, but don’t want it strongly enough.
3. People who want happiness, very much, but don’t take any action.
4. People who wanted it very much, take and took the necessary and appropriate action, and now, have a lifetime of happiness.
People in groups 1-3, as a rule, don’t understand what it takes to have a life-time of happiness. For them the idea of being a happy executive or professional is only that: an idea, an un-realisable notion.
By contrast, for the happiness elite, the knowledge and understanding of what makes for a happy life is why they are happy executives.
Yes, happy executives exist, and they have learned how to make themselves happy in almost every situation.
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